A bookish autumn
There have been so many book events over the last couple of months I’ve hardly been able to keep up! Needless to say it’s been great reading from The Undoing of Arlo Knott to new audiences, and getting into a lot of interesting chats with readers about the nature of time, quantum physics, snakes, superheroes and much more!
So what’s been happening?
Dragons and AI at Bristol con
In October I was at Bristol con, where it was lovely to see Gareth Powell as the guest of honour, plus a few more familiar faces. As well as two panels and a reading I ran ‘The Forest of Forking Paths’ workshop, in which we co-created our own adventure story. Being a fantasy crowd, a dragon got involved fairly quickly…

Super Relaxed Fantasy Club
Last night I was in London at the fabulous Super Relaxed Fantasy Club. Such a brilliant evening with a warm, friendly crowd and great readings from Paul Cornell and M.R. Carey – who gave us an exciting glimpse into his brand new and highly intriguing Book of Koli.
Tales of our city and more
This autumn we had another excellent Bristol Festival of Literature. My writers group Writers Unchained ran the ‘Tales of Our City’ spoken word evening, and we also had a stall at the Arnos Vale book fair.

What does the internet know about you?
Last but not least, Bishopston Library in Bristol kindly invited me to talk about Everything About You and dive into some topics of AI deep fakery, big data and the internet of things. A great crowd (and a library well worth checking out for its impressive range of events).